Gas Reactor Column (GRC)
The world´s leading system for safe point of use gas abatement

Specifically designed to safely remove hazardous gases from vacuum pump exhausts on semiconductor processes.
The GRC is a unique hot bed reactor that chemically destroys toxic gases. It treats the widest range and mixture of gases in one system without creating new effluent disposable problems. A proprietary mixture of inorganic granules is held within a welded stainless steel cartridge. This is maintained at an elevated temperature by insertion in a tubular electrical heater. Hazardous exhaust gases passing into the cartridge are chemically reacted to completion and converted into insert stable inorganic salts.
- DRY system, can be connected directly to vacuum pump exhaust
- No risk of backstreaming moisture
- No problems with desorption of toxic gases
- Complete chemical conversion of gases into inert stable salts
- Cartridge changing is easy and hazard free
- No fuel and flames with the associated risk of producing toxic by-products
- Minimum service connections required Inlet pipe work can be maintained at 120 degree Celsius to reduce solids deposition